Learn English With Stories
You want to assist your English language learning by watching TV with subtitles...
But the people on TV talk very fast, the subtitles don't tell you what each word means...
Most of the time you don't understand what they say...
So you spend all your time doing textbook exercises, and not much time listening to real world language...
We make video content with slow speech, and word for word translations, so you can watch TV, and assist you English language learning.
Thai Speakers Youtube
Chinese Speakers Youtube
Korean Speakers Youtube

About Us

Hi, my name is Matt, I'm the creator of Learn English With Stories. I am a native English speaker from New Zealand, and I live in Thailand. When I started learning the Thai language, I found that most language learning resources were formal textbook resources, and there was not many resources with real world examples to assist my learning. I tried watching tv with subtitles, but the speech is too fast, and the subtitles do not tell me what each word means. So I started creating English and Thai language cartoons that have slow speech, and word for word translations. You can contact me at: matt@learnenglishwithstories.tv